Tuesday, July 13, 2010

450 Miles, 4 States and 1 Long Day

I have safely arrived at a campground near Toledo, OH, where I managed to set up my tent, eat dinner and get ready for bed in only 90 minutes! Sure, there have been a few snafus (including a late start, bad weather, some scary-looking guys in the site next to mine, and an un-charged air pump that means I'll be sleeping on an un-inflated air mattress), but despite all that, I'm happy to be embarking on this adventure.

I don't have any pictures today, because I forgot to put my memory card in my camera and I don't have the cord handy to retrieve the few pics I took out of the internal memory of my camera. But I drove through 4 states: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania (which takes FOREVER), and then most of the way across Ohio. Because I got a late start, I didn't make any of the stops I had planned for today, but that's okay, because none of it was really "must-see" stuff for me.

I'm going to sleep now, so I can get up early tomorrow and make a few stops for some sight-seeing on the way to Madison, WI. I can't wait!!!!


  1. Only 90 minutes? Impressive! Twice today you were in my thoughts. First, passing the salon where your eyebrows were manicured/tortured and then while running into mutual friends. Anyways, I'm glad you arrived in Toledo safely. I look forward to seeing your pictures.

  2. Hooray, I'm reading your blog! I just had to laugh at all of the things that were not quite ready and yet not necessary either for your first day. I hope your night on the uninflated air mattress was okay! I better keep reading...maybe by the end of my lunch break I'll make it to Alaska :)
