Monday, January 14, 2013

Four States at Once!

When I was in sixth grade, my English teacher Mrs. Mann told us about a trip she had taken to the southwest, and about this neat place where four states touched. Ever since then, I've been slightly obsessed with going to that spot for myself. After doing some research on the site, located on Navajo tribal land, I had to adjust my expectations, because many reviews weren't that nice.

Yes, it seemed tourist trap-y, but it also was providing much-needed support to the local economy. So I paid my three dollars and parked.

Here's what it looks like:

And here's me, standing in all four states at once. (After I got home, a saw a snap on Flickr of a girl who sat criss-cross applesauce in four states at, yup, one day I'm going to have to go back and do that).

I had many other fun Southwest adventures on this day, but the Four Corners needed its own spotlight.

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