Friday, May 14, 2010


I'm not sure when I became quite such a conscientious planner. Lord knows I wasn't as a teenager. But here I am, again, meticulously planning every detail of what will (hopefully) be another amazing road trip. I now know more about tent poles & fabric manufacturing than I ever thought I would need to, and I'm still not sure what kind of tent I want to get. Aluminum vs. fiberglass poles seems to be the biggest conundrum for now, but center height and rain-fly coverage are emerging as critical issues, too. And don't even get me started on cooking equipment! Stove or grill? Tow burners or three? What kind of fuel? What capacity cooler? What's the best plug-in brand (because I have NO intentions of messing with ice)?

And that's just the boring stuff. The itinerary planning is such a massive undertaking, considering that I'll be spending 41 days on the road and visiting 16 states, 5 provinces, 1 territory & countless amazing sights. Which way to go? What to see? What to leave out? Despite it's time consuming-nature, it's a task I totally enjoy. In fact, I wish I could do it for a living (or at least a profitable side business).

So stay tuned over the next few weeks as I finalize my itinerary & begin to post some pictures; even though you won't be with me, you can still enjoy-and comment on-my adventure vicariously.


  1. Hooray for another blog to read! Hope your planning goes well...perhaps in your next career you should be a travel agent? :)

  2. I was just saying that to a friend the other day. I could create custom, well-planned itineraries. But who would pay for that?
